

photo of eli

I am an aspiring mad scientist who likes building things, breaking things, and solving puzzles.

My name is pronounced like EEli bOWm; rhymes with “we lie brown” but if there was an m at the end. (IPA: ilaɪ baʊm)


I am interested in cryptography and privacy, embedded systems, and wireless communications, with a particular focus on cellular networks.

As of Fall 2023, I am pursuing my PhD at Boston University under Mayank Varia and John Liagouris. I am jointly a member of BUSec and the CASP Lab.


non work

Non-professionally, I like

When I lived in DC, I volunteered with Code for DC on the DARIA team. DARIA works with the DC Abortion Fund and others to build and maintain their tech stacks, so funds can focus on their mission. We’re on Github here.
